How to get blog traffic

I recently started this blog and seem to be having a bit of difficulty getting traffic to my site. today I decided to do a Google search (LOVE google) on how to promote your blog. I found some great ideas and some NOT so great ideas. Since I am surely not the first person ever to have this problem I decided to post a list of some good ideas i found to promote your blog. Im also going to work on adding new and exciting, not to mention helpful things to my site such as postings for online coupons and discounts. I hope this helps all you Mommy's out there trying to get heard. One a final note, if anyone is interested in link sharing id be happy to exchange links with you. We Moms and Women need to stick together.

1. Exchange links with other bloggers
2.Use Social Media sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Myspace.
3. If you belong to a Moms group promote there.
4.Host a blog giveaway.
5.Don't expect too much too quick, it takes time to build an audience (this one is a hard one for me as Im an instant gratification person).
6.Business cards, bottom of every email you send and every post you make online.
7.Submit to RSS directories
8.Submit to blog directories.
9.Let all your friends and contacts know about your blog.
10.Join blogger communities such as Bumpzee and MyBlogLog

Most of all be patient.

Good luck. Please feel free to leave comments with any other ideas you might want to share. Thanks
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